User Guide

For information on how to install PyFR see Installation.

Running PyFR

PyFR 1.12.2 uses three distinct file formats:

  1. .ini — configuration file

  2. .pyfrm — mesh file

  3. .pyfrs — solution file

The following commands are available from the pyfr program:

  1. pyfr import — convert a Gmsh .msh file into a PyFR .pyfrm file.


    pyfr import mesh.msh mesh.pyfrm
  2. pyfr partition — partition an existing mesh and associated solution files.


    pyfr partition 2 mesh.pyfrm solution.pyfrs .
  3. pyfr run — start a new PyFR simulation. Example:

    pyfr run mesh.pyfrm configuration.ini
  4. pyfr restart — restart a PyFR simulation from an existing solution file. Example:

    pyfr restart mesh.pyfrm solution.pyfrs
  5. pyfr export — convert a PyFR .pyfrs file into an unstructured VTK .vtu or .pvtu file. If a -k flag is provided with an integer argument then .pyfrs elements are converted to high-order VTK cells which are exported, where the order of the VTK cells is equal to the value of the integer argument. Example:

    pyfr export -k 4 mesh.pyfrm solution.pyfrs solution.vtu

    If a -d flag is provided with an integer argument then .pyfrs elements are subdivided into linear VTK cells which are exported, where the number of sub-divisions is equal to the value of the integer argument. Example:

    pyfr export -d 4 mesh.pyfrm solution.pyfrs solution.vtu

    If no flags are provided then .pyfrs elements are converted to high-order VTK cells which are exported, where the order of the cells is equal to the order of the solution data in the .pyfrs file.

Running in Parallel

PyFR can be run in parallel. To do so prefix pyfr with mpiexec -n <cores/devices>. Note that the mesh must be pre-partitioned, and the number of cores or devices must be equal to the number of partitions.

Configuration File (.ini)

The .ini configuration file parameterises the simulation. It is written in the INI format. Parameters are grouped into sections. The roles of each section and their associated parameters are described below. Note that both ; and # may be used as comment characters.


The backend sections detail how the solver will be configured for a range of different hardware platforms. If a hardware specific backend section is omitted, then PyFR will fall back to built-in default settings.


Parameterises the backend with

  1. precision — number precision:

    single | double

  2. rank-allocator — MPI rank allocator:

    linear | random


precision = double
rank-allocator = linear


Parameterises the CUDA backend with

  1. device-id — method for selecting which device(s) to run on:

    int | round-robin | local-rank

  2. mpi-type — type of MPI library that is being used:

    standard | cuda-aware

  3. block-1d — block size for one dimensional pointwise kernels:


  4. block-2d — block size for two dimensional pointwise kernels:


  5. cflags — additional NVIDIA realtime compiler (nvrtc) flags:



device-id = round-robin
mpi-type = standard
block-1d = 64
block-2d = 128


Parameterises the HIP backend with

  1. device-id — method for selecting which device(s) to run on:

    int | local-rank

  2. mpi-type — type of MPI library that is being used:

    standard | hip-aware

  3. block-1d — block size for one dimensional pointwise kernels:


  4. block-2d — block size for two dimensional pointwise kernels:



device-id = local-rank
mpi-type = standard
block-1d = 64
block-2d = 128


Parameterises the OpenCL backend with

  1. platform-id — for selecting platform id:

    int | string

  2. device-type — for selecting what type of device(s) to run on:

    all | cpu | gpu | accelerator

  3. device-id — for selecting which device(s) to run on:

    int | string | local-rank

  4. gimmik-max-nnz — cutoff for GiMMiK in terms of the number of non-zero entires in a constant matrix:


  5. local-size-1d — local work size for one dimensional pointwise kernels:


  6. local-size-2d — local work size for two dimensional pointwise kernels:



platform-id = 0
device-type = gpu
device-id = local-rank
gimmik-max-nnz = 512
local-size-1d = 16
local-size-2d = 128


Parameterises the OpenMP backend with

  1. cc — C compiler:


  2. cflags — additional C compiler flags:


  3. alignb — alignment requirement in bytes; must be a power of two and at least 32:


  4. gimmik-max-nnz — cutoff for GiMMiK in terms of the number of non-zero entires in a constant matrix:



cc = gcc


These sections of the input file setup and control the physical system being solved, as well as charateristics of the spatial and temporal schemes to be used.


Sets constants used in the simulation

  1. gamma — ratio of specific heats for euler | navier-stokes:


  2. mu — dynamic viscosity for navier-stokes:


  3. nu — kinematic viscosity for ac-navier-stokes:


  4. Pr — Prandtl number for navier-stokes:


  5. cpTref — product of specific heat at constant pressure and reference temperature for navier-stokes with Sutherland’s Law:


  6. cpTs — product of specific heat at constant pressure and Sutherland temperature for navier-stokes with Sutherland’s Law:


  7. ac-zeta — artificial compressibility factor for ac-euler | ac-navier-stokes


Other constant may be set by the user which can then be used throughout the .ini file.


; PyFR Constants
gamma = 1.4
mu = 0.001
Pr = 0.72

; User Defined Constants
V_in = 1.0
P_out = 20.0


Parameterises the solver with

  1. system — governing system:

    euler | navier-stokes | ac-euler | ac-navier-stokes


    navier-stokes requires

    • viscosity-correction — viscosity correction:

      none | sutherland

    • shock-capturing — shock capturing scheme:

      none | artificial-viscosity

  2. order — order of polynomial solution basis:


  3. anti-alias — type of anti-aliasing:

    flux | surf-flux | flux, surf-flux


system = navier-stokes
order = 3
anti-alias = flux
viscosity-correction = none
shock-capturing = artificial-viscosity


Parameterises the time-integration scheme used by the solver with

  1. formulation — formulation:

    std | dual


    std requires

    • scheme — time-integration scheme

      euler | rk34 | rk4 | rk45 | tvd-rk3

    • tstart — initial time


    • tend — final time


    • dt — time-step


    • controller — time-step controller

      none | pi


      pi only works with rk34 and rk45 and requires

      • atol — absolute error tolerance


      • rtol — relative error tolerance


      • errest-norm — norm to use for estimating the error

        uniform | l2

      • safety-fact — safety factor for step size adjustment (suitable range 0.80-0.95)


      • min-fact — minimum factor by which the time-step can change between iterations (suitable range 0.1-0.5)


      • max-fact — maximum factor by which the time-step can change between iterations (suitable range 2.0-6.0)


      • dt-max — maximum permissible time-step


    dual requires

    • scheme — time-integration scheme

      backward-euler | bdf2 | bdf3

    • pseudo-scheme — pseudo time-integration scheme

      euler | rk34 | rk4 | rk45 | tvd-rk3 | vermeire

    • tstart — initial time


    • tend — final time


    • dt — time-step


    • pseudo-dt — pseudo time-step


    • controller — pseudo time-step controller


    • pseudo-niters-max — minimum number of iterations


    • pseudo-niters-min — maximum number of iterations


    • pseudo-resid-tol — pseudo residual tolerance


    • pseudo-resid-norm — pseudo residual norm

      uniform | l2

    • pseudo-controller — pseudo time-step controller

      none | local-pi


      local-pi only works with rk34 and rk45 and requires

      • atol — absolute error tolerance


      • safety-fact — safety factor for pseudo time-step size adjustment (suitable range 0.80-0.95)


      • min-fact — minimum factor by which the local pseudo time-step can change between iterations (suitable range 0.98-0.998)


      • max-fact — maximum factor by which the local pseudo time-step can change between iterations (suitable range 1.001-1.01)


      • pseudo-dt-max-mult — maximum permissible local pseudo time-step given as a multiplier of pseudo-dt (suitable range 2.0-5.0)



formulation = std
scheme = rk45
controller = pi
tstart = 0.0
tend = 10.0
dt = 0.001
atol = 0.00001
rtol = 0.00001
errest-norm = l2
safety-fact = 0.9
min-fact = 0.3
max-fact = 2.5


Parameterises multi-p for dual time-stepping with

  1. pseudo-dt-fact — factor by which the pseudo time-step size changes between multi-p levels:


  2. cycle — nature of a single multi-p cycle:

    [(order,nsteps), (order,nsteps), ... (order,nsteps)]

    where order in the first and last bracketed pair must be the overall polynomial order used for the simulation, and order can only change by one between subsequent bracketed pairs


pseudo-dt-fact = 2.3
cycle = [(3, 1), (2, 1), (1, 1), (0, 2), (1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 3)]


Parameterises the interfaces with

  1. riemann-solver — type of Riemann solver:

    rusanov | hll | hllc | roe | roem


    hll | hllc | roe | roem do not work with ac-euler | ac-navier-stokes

  2. ldg-beta — beta parameter used for LDG:


  3. ldg-tau — tau parameter used for LDG:



riemann-solver = rusanov
ldg-beta = 0.5
ldg-tau = 0.1


Parameterises solution, space (x, y, [z]), and time (t) dependent source terms with

  1. rho — density source term for euler | navier-stokes:


  2. rhou — x-momentum source term for euler | navier-stokes :


  3. rhov — y-momentum source term for euler | navier-stokes :


  4. rhow — z-momentum source term for euler | navier-stokes :


  5. E — energy source term for euler | navier-stokes :


  6. p — pressure source term for ac-euler | ac-navier-stokes:


  7. u — x-velocity source term for ac-euler | ac-navier-stokes:


  8. v — y-velocity source term for ac-euler | ac-navier-stokes:


  9. w — w-velocity source term for ac-euler | ac-navier-stokes:



rho = t
rhou = x*y*sin(y)
rhov = z*rho
rhow = 1.0
E = 1.0/(1.0+x)


Parameterises artificial viscosity for shock capturing with

  1. max-artvisc — maximum artificial viscosity:


  2. s0 — sensor cut-off:


  3. kappa — sensor range:



max-artvisc = 0.01
s0 = 0.01
kappa = 5.0


Parameterises an exponential solution filter with

  1. nsteps — apply filter every nsteps:


  2. alpha — strength of filter:


  3. order — order of filter:


  4. cutoff — cutoff frequency below which no filtering is applied:



nsteps = 10
alpha = 36.0
order = 16
cutoff = 1

Boundary and Initial Conditions

These sections allow users to set the boundary and initial conditions of calculations.


Parameterises constant, or if available space (x, y, [z]) and time (t) dependent, boundary condition labelled name in the .pyfrm file with

  1. type — type of boundary condition:

    ac-char-riem-inv | ac-in-fv | ac-out-fp | char-riem-inv | no-slp-adia-wall | no-slp-isot-wall | no-slp-wall | slp-adia-wall | slp-wall | sub-in-frv | sub-in-ftpttang | sub-out-fp | sup-in-fa | sup-out-fn


    ac-char-riem-inv only works with ac-euler | ac-navier-stokes and requires

    • ac-zeta — artificial compressibility factor for boundary (increasing ac-zeta makes the boundary less reflective allowing larger deviation from the target state)


    • niters — number of Newton iterations


    • p — pressure

      float | string

    • u — x-velocity

      float | string

    • v — y-velocity

      float | string

    • w — z-velocity

      float | string

    ac-in-fv only works with ac-euler | ac-navier-stokes and requires

    • u — x-velocity

      float | string

    • v — y-velocity

      float | string

    • w — z-velocity

      float | string

    ac-out-fp only works with ac-euler | ac-navier-stokes and requires

    • p — pressure

      float | string

    char-riem-inv only works with euler | navier-stokes and requires

    • rho — density

      float | string

    • u — x-velocity

      float | string

    • v — y-velocity

      float | string

    • w — z-velocity

      float | string

    • p — static pressure

      float | string

    no-slp-adia-wall only works with navier-stokes

    no-slp-isot-wall only works with navier-stokes and requires

    • u — x-velocity of wall


    • v — y-velocity of wall


    • w — z-velocity of wall


    • cpTw — product of specific heat capacity at constant pressure and temperature of wall


    no-slp-wall only works with ac-navier-stokes and requires

    • u — x-velocity of wall


    • v — y-velocity of wall


    • w — z-velocity of wall


    slp-adia-wall only works with euler | navier-stokes

    slp-wall only works with ac-euler | ac-navier-stokes

    sub-in-frv only works with navier-stokes and requires

    • rho — density

      float | string

    • u — x-velocity

      float | string

    • v — y-velocity

      float | string

    • w — z-velocity

      float | string

    sub-in-ftpttang only works with navier-stokes and requires

    • pt — total pressure


    • cpTt — product of specific heat capacity at constant pressure and total temperature


    • theta — azimuth angle (in degrees) of inflow measured in the x-y plane relative to the positive x-axis


    • phi — inclination angle (in degrees) of inflow measured relative to the positive z-axis


    sub-out-fp only works with navier-stokes and requires

    • p — static pressure

      float | string

    sup-in-fa only works with euler | navier-stokes and requires

    • rho — density

      float | string

    • u — x-velocity

      float | string

    • v — y-velocity

      float | string

    • w — z-velocity

      float | string

    • p — static pressure

      float | string

    sup-out-fn only works with euler | navier-stokes


type = no-slp-isot-wall
cpTw = 10.0
u = 1.0

Simple periodic boundary conditions are supported; however, their behaviour is not controlled through the .ini file, instead it is handled at the mesh generation stage. Two faces may be taged with periodic_x_l and periodic_x_r, where x is a unique identifier for the pair of boundaries. Currently, only periodicity in a single cardinal direction is supported, for example, the planes (x,y,0)` and (x,y,10).


Parameterises space (x, y, [z]) dependent initial conditions with

  1. rho — initial density distribution for euler | navier-stokes:


  2. u — initial x-velocity distribution for euler | navier-stokes | ac-euler | ac-navier-stokes:


  3. v — initial y-velocity distribution for euler | navier-stokes | ac-euler | ac-navier-stokes:


  4. w — initial z-velocity distribution for euler | navier-stokes | ac-euler | ac-navier-stokes:


  5. p — initial static pressure distribution for euler | navier-stokes | ac-euler | ac-navier-stokes:



rho = 1.0
u = x*y*sin(y)
v = z
w = 1.0
p = 1.0/(1.0+x)

Nodal Point Sets

Solution point sets must be specified for each element type that is used and flux point sets must be specified for each interface type that is used. If anti-aliasing is enabled then quadrature point sets for each element and interface type that is used must also be specified. For example, a 3D mesh comprised only of prisms requires a solution point set for prism elements and flux point set for quadrilateral and triangular interfaces.


Parameterises the line interfaces, or if -mg-porder is suffixed the line interfaces at multi-p level order, with

  1. flux-pts — location of the flux points on a line interface:

    gauss-legendre | gauss-legendre-lobatto

  2. quad-deg — degree of quadrature rule for anti-aliasing on a line interface:


  3. quad-pts — name of quadrature rule for anti-aliasing on a line interface:

    gauss-legendre | gauss-legendre-lobatto


flux-pts = gauss-legendre
quad-deg = 10
quad-pts = gauss-legendre


Parameterises the triangular interfaces, or if -mg-porder is suffixed the triangular interfaces at multi-p level order, with

  1. flux-pts — location of the flux points on a triangular interface:


  2. quad-deg — degree of quadrature rule for anti-aliasing on a triangular interface:


  3. quad-pts — name of quadrature rule for anti-aliasing on a triangular interface:

    williams-shunn | witherden-vincent


flux-pts = williams-shunn
quad-deg = 10
quad-pts = williams-shunn


Parameterises the quadrilateral interfaces, or if -mg-porder is suffixed the quadrilateral interfaces at multi-p level order, with

  1. flux-pts — location of the flux points on a quadrilateral interface:

    gauss-legendre | gauss-legendre-lobatto

  2. quad-deg — degree of quadrature rule for anti-aliasing on a quadrilateral interface:


  3. quad-pts — name of quadrature rule for anti-aliasing on a quadrilateral interface:

    gauss-legendre | gauss-legendre-lobatto | witherden-vincent


flux-pts = gauss-legendre
quad-deg = 10
quad-pts = gauss-legendre


Parameterises the triangular elements, or if -mg-porder is suffixed the triangular elements at multi-p level order, with

  1. soln-pts — location of the solution points in a triangular element:


  2. quad-deg — degree of quadrature rule for anti-aliasing in a triangular element:


  3. quad-pts — name of quadrature rule for anti-aliasing in a triangular element:

    williams-shunn | witherden-vincent


soln-pts = williams-shunn
quad-deg = 10
quad-pts = williams-shunn


Parameterises the quadrilateral elements, or if -mg-porder is suffixed the quadrilateral elements at multi-p level order, with

  1. soln-pts — location of the solution points in a quadrilateral element:

    gauss-legendre | gauss-legendre-lobatto

  2. quad-deg — degree of quadrature rule for anti-aliasing in a quadrilateral element:


  3. quad-pts — name of quadrature rule for anti-aliasing in a quadrilateral element:

    gauss-legendre | gauss-legendre-lobatto | witherden-vincent


soln-pts = gauss-legendre
quad-deg = 10
quad-pts = gauss-legendre


Parameterises the hexahedral elements, or if -mg-porder is suffixed the hexahedral elements at multi-p level order, with

  1. soln-pts — location of the solution points in a hexahedral element:

    gauss-legendre | gauss-legendre-lobatto

  2. quad-deg — degree of quadrature rule for anti-aliasing in a hexahedral element:


  3. quad-pts — name of quadrature rule for anti-aliasing in a hexahedral element:

    gauss-legendre | gauss-legendre-lobatto | witherden-vincent


soln-pts = gauss-legendre
quad-deg = 10
quad-pts = gauss-legendre


Parameterises the tetrahedral elements, or if -mg-porder is suffixed the tetrahedral elements at multi-p level order, with

  1. soln-pts — location of the solution points in a tetrahedral element:


  2. quad-deg — degree of quadrature rule for anti-aliasing in a tetrahedral element:


  3. quad-pts — name of quadrature rule for anti-aliasing in a tetrahedral element:

    shunn-ham | witherden-vincent


soln-pts = shunn-ham
quad-deg = 10
quad-pts = shunn-ham


Parameterises the prismatic elements, or if -mg-porder is suffixed the prismatic elements at multi-p level order, with

  1. soln-pts — location of the solution points in a prismatic element:

    williams-shunn~gauss-legendre | williams-shunn~gauss-legendre-lobatto

  2. quad-deg — degree of quadrature rule for anti-aliasing in a prismatic element:


  3. quad-pts — name of quadrature rule for anti-aliasing in a prismatic element:

    williams-shunn~gauss-legendre | williams-shunn~gauss-legendre-lobatto | witherden-vincent


soln-pts = williams-shunn~gauss-legendre
quad-deg = 10
quad-pts = williams-shunn~gauss-legendre


Parameterises the pyramidal elements, or if -mg-porder is suffixed the pyramidal elements at multi-p level order, with

  1. soln-pts — location of the solution points in a pyramidal element:

    gauss-legendre | gauss-legendre-lobatto

  2. quad-deg — degree of quadrature rule for anti-aliasing in a pyramidal element:


  3. quad-pts — name of quadrature rule for anti-aliasing in a pyramidal element:



soln-pts = gauss-legendre
quad-deg = 10
quad-pts = witherden-vincent


Plugins allow for powerful additional functionality to be swapped in and out. It is possible to load multiple instances of the same plugin by appending a tag, for example:





Periodically write the solution to disk in the pyfrs format. Parameterised with

  1. dt-out — write to disk every dt-out time units:


  2. basedir — relative path to directory where outputs will be written:


  3. basename — pattern of output names:


  4. post-action — command to execute after writing the file:


  5. post-action-mode — how the post-action command should be executed:

    blocking | non-blocking

  1. region — region to be written, specified as either the entire domain using *, a cuboidal sub-region via diametrically opposite vertices, or a sub-region of elements that have faces on a specific domain boundary via the name of the domain boundary

    * | [(x, y, [z]), (x, y, [z])] | string


dt-out = 0.01
basedir = .
basename = files-{t:.2f}
post-action = echo "Wrote file {soln} at time {t} for mesh {mesh}."
post-action-mode = blocking
region = [(-5, -5, -5), (5, 5, 5)]


Periodically integrates the pressure and viscous stress on the boundary labelled name and writes out the resulting force and moments (if requested) vectors to a CSV file. Parameterised with

  1. nsteps — integrate every nsteps:


  2. file — output file path; should the file already exist it will be appended to:


  3. header — if to output a header row or not:


  4. morigin — origin used to compute the moments (optional)


nsteps = 10
file = wing-forces.csv
header = true
morigin = (0.0, 0.0, 0.5)


Periodically checks the solution for NaN values. Parameterised with

  1. nsteps — check every nsteps:



nsteps = 10


Periodically calculates the residual and writes it out to a CSV file. Parameterised with

  1. nsteps — calculate every nsteps:


  2. file — output file path; should the file already exist it will be appended to:


  3. header — if to output a header row or not:



nsteps = 10
file = residual.csv
header = true


Write time-step statistics out to a CSV file. Parameterised with

  1. flushsteps — flush to disk every flushsteps:


  2. file — output file path; should the file already exist it will be appended to:


  3. header — if to output a header row or not:



flushsteps = 100
file = dtstats.csv
header = true


Write pseudo-step convergence history out to a CSV file. Parameterised with

  1. flushsteps — flush to disk every flushsteps:


  2. file — output file path; should the file already exist it will be appended to:


  3. header — if to output a header row or not:



flushsteps = 100
file = pseudostats.csv
header = true


Periodically samples specific points in the volume and writes them out to a CSV file. The plugin actually samples the solution point closest to each sample point, hence a slight discrepancy in the output sampling locations is to be expected. A nearest-neighbour search is used to locate the closest solution point to the sample point. The location process automatically takes advantage of scipy.spatial.cKDTree where available. Parameterised with

  1. nsteps — sample every nsteps:


  2. samp-pts — list of points to sample:

    [(x, y), (x, y), ...] | [(x, y, z), (x, y, z), ...]

  3. format — output variable format:

    primitive | conservative

  4. file — output file path; should the file already exist it will be appended to:


  5. header — if to output a header row or not:



nsteps = 10
samp-pts = [(1.0, 0.7, 0.0), (1.0, 0.8, 0.0)]
format = primitive
file = point-data.csv
header = true


Time average quantities. Parameterised with

  1. nsteps — accumulate the average every nsteps time steps:


  2. dt-out — write to disk every dt-out time units:


  3. tstart — time at which to start accumulating average data:


  4. mode — output file accumulation mode:

    continuous | windowed

    Windowed outputs averages over each dt- out period. Whereas, continuous outputs averages over all dt-out periods thus far completed within a given invocation of PyFR. The default is windowed.

  5. basedir — relative path to directory where outputs will be written:


  6. basename — pattern of output names:


  7. precision — output file number precision:

    single | double

  8. region — region to be averaged, specified as either the entire domain using *, a cuboidal sub-region via diametrically opposite vertices, or a sub-region of elements that have faces on a specific domain boundary via the name of the domain boundary

    * | [(x, y, [z]), (x, y, [z])] | string

  9. avg-name — expression to time average, written as a function of the primitive variables and gradients thereof; multiple expressions, each with their own name, may be specified:


  10. fun-avg-name — expression to compute at file output time, written as a function of any ordinary average terms; multiple expressions, each with their own name, may be specified:


    As fun-avg terms are evaluated at write time, these are only indirectly effected by the averaging mode.


nsteps = 10
dt-out = 2.0
mode = windowed
basedir = .
basename = files-{t:06.2f}

avg-u = u
avg-v = v
avg-uu = u*u
avg-vv = v*v
avg-uv = u*v

fun-avg-upup = uu - u*u
fun-avg-vpvp = vv - v*v
fun-avg-upvp = uv - u*v
fun-avg-urms = sqrt(uu - u*u + vv - v*v)


Integrate quantities over the compuational domain. Parameterised with:

  1. nsteps — calculate the integral every nsteps time steps:


  2. file — output file path; should the file already exist it will be appended to:


  3. header — if to output a header row or not:


  4. quad-deg — degree of quadrature rule (optional):

  5. quad-pts-{etype} — name of quadrature rule (optional):

  6. int-name — expression to integrate, written as a function of the primitive variables and gradients thereof, the physical coordinates [x, y, [z]] and/or the physical time [t]; multiple expressions, each with their own name, may be specified:



nsteps = 50
file = integral.csv
header = true
quad-deg = 9
vor1 = (grad_w_y - grad_v_z)
vor2 = (grad_u_z - grad_w_x)
vor3 = (grad_v_x - grad_u_y)

int-E = rho*(u*u + v*v + w*w)
int-enst = rho*(%(vor1)s*%(vor1)s + %(vor2)s*%(vor2)s + %(vor3)s*%(vor3)s)

Additional Information

The INI file format is very versatile. A feature that can be useful in defining initial conditions is the substitution feature and this is demonstrated in the [soln-plugin-integrate] example.

To prevent situations where you have solutions files for unknown configurations, the contents of the .ini file are added as an attribute to .pyfrs files. These files use the HDF5 format and can be straightforwardly probed with tools such as h5dump.

In several places within the .ini file expressions may be used. As well as the constant pi, expressions containing the following functions are supported:

  1. +, -, *, / — basic arithmetic

  2. sin, cos, tan — basic trigonometric functions (radians)

  3. asin, acos, atan, atan2 — inverse trigonometric functions

  4. exp, log — exponential and the natural logarithm

  5. tanh — hyperbolic tangent

  6. pow — power, note ** is not supported

  7. sqrt — square root

  8. abs — absolute value

9. min, max — two variable minimum and maximum functions, arguments can be arrays